One of the most respected Austrian dance reviewer Ditta Rudle writes on 'Memoryhouse' in tanzschrift:
What is certain is that Tanz Linz has reached the top of all Austrian dance companies with this choreography and the energy of personal commitment.

Helmut Ploebst writes an excellent review of 'Memoryhouse' for a well known Der Standard:
A 'successful premiere' of 'excellent choreograhy' and 'a real masterpiece by set-designer Gabriela Neubauer'. 'The Linz company has improved even further in quality'.

Andrea Amort in tanznetz acknowledges the choreographic language and Tanz Linz ensemble in 'Memoryhouse' in the latest review of Kuźmiński's work:
Constantly changing image constellations arise, which Maciej Kuźmiński draws with intensive choreographic language. [...] “Memoryhouse” achieves its effect through Tanz Linz’s strong, technically capable ensemble, and creative staging.

In Kronen Zeitung Elisabeth Rathenböck rates 'Memoryhouse' 4,5/5 stars and writes:
'The superbly trained and synchronized together 15-member ensemble explore the origins of dance'. [...] 'explores ways of communicating and feelings in poetic images'

An overall picture of 'Memoryhouse' is drawn in a great review by Barbara Duftschmid for Volksblatt:
The dancers, full of dynamism, strength, concentration and maximum body control, captivate the premiere audience in this deeply demanding production. [...] This is the sixth joint production by Maciej Kuzminski and his dramaturg Paul Bargetto, which the Linz audience celebrates with long-lasting, frenetic applause.

A very positive review of "Memoryhouse" by Karin Schütze at the local newspaper Ost Österreich Nachrichten:
Memoryhouse quickly develops its pull, as if you were yourself washed away in 70 entertaining, intense minutes. in the end there's an enthusiastic applause.

A touching review of Every Minute Motherland has been published on a know German portal tanznetz.de by Torben Ibs.
It is an evening that leaves the emotions on the stage and invites the audience to watch this meditation on mourning. Everything remains incomprehensible and at the same time directly touching.

Helmut Jasny from Westfälische Nachrichten reviws Every Minute Motherland as
The piece, was as oppressive as it was fascinating. (...) Horrific in statement, frighteningly beautiful in artistic execution.

A detailed and in-depth review of Every Minute Motherland by Melanie Suchy appeared on Tanzweb.org
The choreography avoids clear descriptions and drama, but relies on the wisdom of sensitive and multifaceted dance, on the superbly attuned group and the audience's ability to observe and empathize with every minute.

A very sensible review by Justyna Stanisławska on Every Minute Motherland appeared on 20.09 on the country-wide portal taniecpolska.pl .
a multidimensional story about what the war does to the human body and human interior, but also how it affects space and time. […] the viewer takes a journey into the deepest recesses of his sensitivity.

A great review after the premiere of my body falls lighter at Staatstheater Kassel. In an article titled "The play of the time travelers" Kirsten Ammermüller in Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine writes
Kuźmiński uses the most diverse elements of an organic movement language (...) A convincing complete work that appealed to the audience above all emotionally and challenged their senses (...) goes far beyond modern dance theater.

A great review of the first foreign performance of Plateau. Thomas Linden in Koelnische Rundschau writes
With epic breadth, but also with many great images, with a cleverly ironic text and a well-rehearsed ensemble that moves like an oiled machine, the spectator is offered a concentrated dose of dance theatre performance.

The three women, like in fairy tales, resemble many, but destiny set their course in bitter asymmetry.
First review of Parting Ways was published in an on-line magazine f21.hu.
Maciej Kuźmiński succeeded in creating a successful – inspiring and exciting – spectacle by combining Edward Stachura’s prose, music and dance.
Read the full review by Piotr Dobrowolski about Kuźmiński's Fabula Rasa performed by the Polish Dance Theatre
Against the background of patriotically associated music we see a set of motion clichés, which can constitute a satirical image of modern society (not only Polish)
An in-depth review of Fabula Rasa by Polish Dance Theatre has appeared on Poznań cultural website.
I have not encountered such an excellent choreography for a long time
under constant stress in merciless competition until the world collapses
Michael Scheiner writes about Ampelmenschen for the Mittelbayerishe Zeitung.
Read the whole review of Tanz.Fabrik!Sieben evening under this link
a very intellectual although by no means pretentious, but rather amusingly ironic.
Stefan Rimek reviews Ampelmenshen, along with the whole Tanz.Fabrik!Sieben in Donau Post
Read the whole review here
Monika Żmijewska reviews Plateau in one of the best known Polish newspapers - Gazeta Wyborcza.
It perfectly accommodated Polish phobias, ills, myths, touched taboos, reaching for unobvious means of expression.
Rozbark Theater may not blaze the way in contemporary dance, but in combination with the words – it makes an amazing impression.
A new review by Jerzy Doroszkiewicz appeared after the Białystok performance that sparked controversy at the Kaleidoscope Festival. Read the whole review in Polish
Comic scenes and monologues that bring to mind the humor of Monty Python’s movies, amuse and worry at the same time
Joanna Sarnecka reviews Plateau for the main on-line dance editorial taniecpolska.pl [eng dancepoland.pl]

Monika Witkowska from Poland danced to present the terrible political situation in her country, especially the attempt to tighten the abortion law, for which she received public applause.
Susanne Wolke in Donau Post

The solo piece "I fought Piranhas" by the Polish choreographer and company director Maciej Kuźmiński was read like a feminist statement, danced viciously and with defiant anger by Monika Witkowska.
Read whole review in German by Michael Scheiner from Mittelbayerishe Zeitung.

Witkowska performs dynamic choreography with technical precision, energy and commitment. The heroine's internal opposition to the situation is palpable, and the will to fight has authenticity, which makes the whole convincing.
Read the in-depth whole review in Polish by Weronika Łucyk

definitely the most interesting is the statement by Monika Witkowska, addressing an important topic (calling it "feminist" would be another condemnation to the sex ghetto, a universal problem), verbal message enriching with a strong, expressive, consciously non-defective movement.
Mirosław Baran after Gdańsk Dance Festival.
review link [in Polish]