A very sensible review by Justyna Stanisławska on Every Minute Motherland appeared on 20.09 on the country-wide portal taniecpolska.pl .
a multidimensional story about what the war does to the human body and human interior, but also how it affects space and time. […] the viewer takes a journey into the deepest recesses of his sensitivity.

Despite the very expressive and emotional scenes, the performance is not depressing. It is moving, touching at times, but it is the kind of feeling that allows you to experience catharsis in the theater.
Justyna Stanisławska
You can read the whole review in Polish under this link
>> link to the full review <<
Anastasia Ivanova, Anna Myloslavska, art, CHOREOGRAFIA, choreographer, choreography, dance, Daria Koval, everyminutemotherland, Fundacja Materia, Klub żak, maciejkuźmiński, Monika Witkowska, Paul Bargetto, performance, standwithukraine, Szymon Tur, taniec, Ukraine, Vitaliia Vaskiv