Helmut Jasny from Westfälische Nachrichten reviws Every Minute Motherland as
The piece, was as oppressive as it was fascinating. (…) Horrific in statement, frighteningly beautiful in artistic execution.
It’s the calm before the storm. And when it actually breaks loose, it literally pulls people into its destructive work. (…) In between, however, one can always discern courage and hope
(…) And it is to the works credit that it also focuses on the inner effects and makes them comprehensible through dance. Another merit is that it does not give up hope.

art, artist, choreography, Company, dance, danceforukraine, dancers, jesteśmyrazem, maciejkuzminski, oneinart, performance, Poland, polska, przyjdźpopokoj, solidarity, standwithukraine, sztuka, taniec, teatr, theatre, TogetherForPeace, Ukraina, Ukraine