“Art out of chaos” is a series of reports about choreography and contemporary dance, carried out by the Music and Dance Institute as a part of the Polish Dance Network.

In the reportages, choreographers of the Polish Dance Network answer Zuzanna Jeglorz’s questions related to choreography, dance, the process of creating a stage work, telling how they work with stage composition, light, costume and music. In the 10th episode, the guests were: Maciej Kuźmiński, Ilona Binarsch and Zbigniew Kozub, who talked about the performance “Fabula Rasa”, which Maciej Kuźmiński created at the Polish Dance Theater

You can watch the video here.

Responsible for the implementation of the episode:
Paweł Szymkowiak (video and editing),
Aleksander Joachimiak (second camera),
Zuzanna Jeglorz (interview and editing)
Monika Witkowska (overtime and assistantships)

Thank you very much to all producers for cooperation and to the ROZBARK Theater for providing the recording space! The organizer of the Polish Dance Network is the Music and Dance Institute. Financed by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sports.

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