my body falls lighter
A dance at the edge of becoming and unbeing, on the broken architecture of a naked life, a human without a name. In that liminal space, where it is hoped that a glimpse of singularity might be possible against the backdrop of night and starlight, there was rain and a whisper of a wish, to fall, but fall lighter, from the tightrope of time.
The Polish choreographer Maciej Kuźmiński uses (...) the most diverse elements of an organic language of movement in order to unite partly disturbing images as a whole, but also fun, bizarre scenes full of subtle humor on stage. A convincing complete work that appealed to the audience above all emotionally and challenged their senses. (…) How was it? A dense spectacle, an intense experience for eyes and ears. (...) Kuźminski brings a dense and interesting spectacle to the stage, which only comes together in its entirety, taking into account all those involved. It goes far beyond modern dance theater without denying its origins in classical dance. (...)
Kirsten Ammermüller, Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine
Together with the dance company, and for the first time with a full orchestra, Kuźmiński deals with the existential question of humanity in his creation: Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we going? Choreography as philosophy with the biographical memory of the body, staged in a visually stunning and poetic way.
Together with the dance company, and for the first time with a full orchestra, Kuźmiński deals with the existential question of humanity in his creation: Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we going? Choreography as philosophy with the biographical memory of the body, staged in a visually stunning and poetic way.
The Polish choreographer Maciej Kuźmiński uses (...) the most diverse elements of an organic language of movement in order to unite partly disturbing images as a whole, but also fun, bizarre scenes full of subtle humor on stage. A convincing complete work that appealed to the audience above all emotionally and challenged their senses. (…) How was it? A dense spectacle, an intense experience for eyes and ears. (...) Kuźminski brings a dense and interesting spectacle to the stage, which only comes together in its entirety, taking into account all those involved. It goes far beyond modern dance theater without denying its origins in classical dance. (...)
Kirsten Ammermüller, Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine
my body falls lighter
i spada lekko ciało moje
mein körper schwereloss
choreography, staging
Maciej Kuźmiński
Mario Hartmuth
set design
Markus Meyer with Maciej Kuźmiński
Markus Meyer
lighting design
Maciej Kuźmiński
Stefanie Dühr
Silke Meier-Brösicke
rehearsal director
Wencke Kreimer de Matos
Kasia Kizior (as guest)
additional creation
Monika Witkowska
stage manager
Finn Jäger
assistant stage design
Verena Waldmüller
assistant costume design
Katharina Fitz-Özer
dance & co-creation
Gil Amishai, Hyeonwoo Bae, Yannis Brissot, Anna Gorokhova, Vincenzo Minervini, Safet Mistele, Ieva Navickaite, Sophie Ormiston, Shafiki Sseggayi, Sophie Borney, Selene Martello, Dario Wilmington, Esther Alberte Bundgaard, Beatrice Ieni, Felicia Nilsson, Iris Posthumus, Klil Ela Rotshtain, Karen Voss Albrechtsen, Kaine Ward, Ido Stirin, Astrid Ottosson
live music
Staatstheater Kassel Orchestra
music by
Lepo Sumera
John Adams
Karl Heinz-Mierke
video editing
Paweł Szymkowiak
Maciej Kuźmiński
dance company director & curator
Thorsten Teubl
2x 40min
premiered on
29th April 2022, Kassel, Germany
Staatstheater Kassel, main stage
Learn more about the Staatstheater Kassel