“He began to warn the people. He said: ‘After a while, it’s gonna rain after a while; for forty days and for forty nights.’ And the people didn’t believe him. (…) And they begin to mock him. And they begin to say: ‘It ain’t gonna rain!'”
by preacher Walter, Chicago 1964, referring to a biblical figure of Noah warning of the looming catastrophe. Recorded by Steve Reich for It’s Gonna Rain
Maciej Kuźmiński makes raw pieces in which he looks up the physical limits. It’s Gonna Rain takes on the ever-changing, barely comprehensible and ultimately incoherent world. In which constantly travelling people must navigate in the unpredictable weather. The forecasts? Cloudy.
TWOOLS offers a colourful sample of contemporary dance by a range of choreographers. Ever since its first edition in 1999, TWOOLS has been an important stage for up-and-coming choreographers. These young talents are given the opportunity and the challenge to work on a production with excellent dancers on a large stage. The previous 17 editions featured over 100 dances by more than 60 choreographers. TWOOLS acts as a springboard for their international career.
Maciej Kuźmiński has been commissioned to choreograph one of the parts of a well-known Scapino Ballet Rotterdam mixed-bill evening TWOOLS 2018. The invitation to collaborate with the company followed his success at the 30th edition of the prestigious International Competition for Choreographers in Hannover, where he received the 2ndprize and Scapino Production Prize for his choreography of Dominique.
Next comes the confronting ‘It’s Gonna Rain’ about the fast-changing world in which man has to try and keep standing. A piece in which you are confronted with reality. The penetrating music of Steve Reich (It’s Gonna Rain, pt. 1) requires so much attention that it takes effort as a spectator to follow the dance. Nevertheless it succeeds, thanks to the striking choreography of Maciej Kuzminski. But it does emphasize the amount of impressions that we get to deal with and how impossible it is to keep up with the latest developments.
Jennifer Schreurs , Theaterparadijs
Next comes the confronting ‘It’s Gonna Rain’ about the fast-changing world in which man has to try and keep standing. A piece in which you are confronted with reality. The penetrating music of Steve Reich (It’s Gonna Rain, pt. 1) requires so much attention that it takes effort as a spectator to follow the dance. Nevertheless it succeeds, thanks to the striking choreography of Maciej Kuzminski. But it does emphasize the amount of impressions that we get to deal with and how impossible it is to keep up with the latest developments.
Jennifer Schreurs , Theaterparadijs
[…] a beautiful scene at the end when all the lamps come down to spy on the dancers piece by piece
Ruben Brugman , culturpeers
choreography, set design
Maciej Kuźmiński
original cast & creation
Bonnie Doets, Ellen Landa, Maya Roest, Sana Sasaki, Dario Minoia, Filip Wągrodzki, Mischa van Leeuwen, Luigi de Stefano
lighting design
Paweł Murlik with Maciej Kuźmiński
ballet master
Sébastien Riou
Jan Joris Bos
Steve Reich “It’s Gonna Rain (Part I)”
costume design
Scapino Ballet Rotterdam costume departament
9 min
Scapino Ballet Rotterdam
special thanks
to Scapino Ballet’s director Ed Wubbe for the invitation
Learn more about the Scapino Ballet Rotterdam