Liwia Bargieł
In 2010 graduated from Trinity Laban Contemporary Dance Conservatoire in London, BA(hons) Dance Theatre. She worked with Caroline Finn's Metamorphosis, Mikołaj Mikołajczyk's Hommage a Tadeusz Kantor, Zimmer Frei Family Affair, Grzegorz Laszuk/Komuna Warszawa Opera kolejowa, Gullherme Bothelo's Sideways Rain, Ula Sickle's Free Gestures, Tomasz Ciesielski Karaoke, Hygin Delimat Landscapes before catastrophy. In a collaboration with Warsaw Polytechnics Architecture Department, she created interactive lighting installation Modular light Cloud and performance Glow. From 2015 she works with visual artist Marta Mielcarek. Together they created exhibition/performance Opening position-vertical for Poligon Gallery Warsaw and Nullpunkt for Salon Akademii Gallery Warsaw. With Lilianna Krych and Warsaw Chamber Choire she interpreted graphic music score by Cornelius Cardew Tretise- concert for choire and a dancer for Warsaw Autumn Contemporary Music Festival. Liwia works as a choreographer with many theaters in Poland, such as National Theater Warsaw, Music Theater Gdynia, Theater Ateneum Warsaw, Theater Chorea Łódź. She directed two pieces for National Academy of Dramatic Arts in Warsaw: Illuminations and Witzelsucht. Her works were presented in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Czech Republic.